8 comments on “The Nek Chand Rock Garden

  1. Thanks for blogging my photo and sharing the work and mission of Nek Chand! If anyone has the fortune to visit India, I highly recommend visiting the garden to participate in building, you get to stay in a magical place… He’ll give you a wall to work on if you are proficient in mosaic, or you can simply help keep the gardens clean and free of graffiti. The conference will also be amazing, and I’m hoping to attend.

    You can see more of my photos of the garden here (I ran out of bandwith):
    http://www.haptotrope.com/India/Page38.html and they continue through page 50… The size of the place is amazing, and there are alot of “behind the scenes” photos of areas that general visitors do not have access to.


  2. While scanning the pictures, I immediately saw these are no ordinary outdoor installations.
    Thanks to Chand for bringing this lasting pieces of outsider art (or perhaps, conceiving it!) there in India.
    Please drop by my guides for caring for vintage maps and carnival glass

  3. thats a great contribution of nek chand we r previleged to born in india where paiters like nek chand have contented their name with great artists like wu daozi and jen dubuffet

  4. Tourism recreational value of this garden is immense as estimated in a research study undertaken by Dr. Pradeep Chaudhry during 2002-06. This spot is at the top of itinery of any tourist coming to Chandigarh city.

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